Further Proof That I Am Evil
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

hehehehe, she said "Ass-sending"...snort

She also says 'a-k' instead of 'ok'...and she says it after EVERY sentence.

and i'm sitting here typing this entry instead of paying attention...

What kind of person am I that all I can do is pick this poor instructor apart in my mind? I'm being taught formating by Mary Poppins...someone come save me! A.K!

Blogger Kristen had this to say:

i'm hoping this comment works - the other day i posted something and it said it posted, but then it didn't. it was very funny and endearing and you'd have loved me for it, but i can't remember what it was exactly, so just believe me, A.K? (heh heh)

this is VERY funny! i love the ass ending - oh my! i'd have been snorting - and then the A.K. thing? oy! i must also be evil.

8:15 PM, September 12, 2006 

Blogger ƒåυνέ had this to say:


As long as you keep your snorting to yourself (and us of course), you're fine.

5:36 AM, September 13, 2006 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

You are so evil! Poor lady. Gosh I am glad I am not your instructor. Don't you feel bad?


9:42 AM, September 13, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Oh lord. I hate training classes.

12:45 PM, September 13, 2006 

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