With my luck, that's the type of guy my daughter's will marry. ;)
Boy, and I used to think natural selection worked.
I get customers asking to take off the "red" car. I have to say, "we don't name the cars by their color". Jeez!
At least you got a good giggle out of it.
Call me crazy, but the fact that these guys knew so little about where to go speaks volumes about why they are probably going there in the first place.
Working in a call center, I used to get calls asking for that guy, you know, the one they just spoke to...
Hum... Out of 13 000 guys working here, could you be a bit more specific ??
Have a great weekend !
Michele sent me : but you know, I would visit anyway !!
I'm a recovering single mother trying desperately to see humor in my day to day toil while simultaneously avoiding reality as much as humanly possible.
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