...And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors
Thursday, January 25, 2007

The whip has cracked and this humble slave must bow under the lash...

Or, in plain English...Work wont let me play on the internet anymore! Sniffle.

Forgive me if I don't see your blogs during the day, I'm going to have to learn to lurk at night...oooo the agony!

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Bastards! You tell them I ever make it out to the Pacific Northwest and they'll get a piece of my mind.

Not that I have that much to spare...

3:21 AM, January 26, 2007 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

sniff sniff

I have been lacking too.

5:24 AM, January 26, 2007 

Blogger Callie had this to say:

Boo! :-(

My work doesn't want me doing that, either. Wah.

5:42 AM, January 26, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Oh no! There's goes sleep. ;)

6:41 AM, January 26, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Not enough at lunch time??

That sucks!

8:47 AM, January 26, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Doh! That sucks. :(

12:52 PM, January 26, 2007 

Blogger smizzo had this to say:

Oh, Dude. Can you look for another job that will? ;)

2:04 PM, January 26, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

That blows. Hope to hear from you in the evening.

6:59 AM, January 27, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

they always do this stuff. they will crack down for a few months or so and then forget about it.

9:13 AM, January 27, 2007 

Blogger JR's Thumbprints had this to say:

What's really ironic is that management usually cracks down on the folks that are the most efficient because the unorganized employees complain. Where I work, midmanagement leaves the crappy employees alone and dumps extra projects on the good employees. I guess they want the job done correctly.

3:55 AM, January 28, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Don't you just hate that when they expect you to work non-stop? Ugh. Ah, well. At least we'll see you stopping by and posting in the evenings.

10:21 AM, January 28, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

So...what are you supposed to do all day? Work? Blah.

3:18 AM, January 30, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

work does have to happen sometimes.... still see you around i hope.


5:00 AM, January 30, 2007 

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