Nailbiting stuff. I don't think I've ever done this.
Though maybe I've done the emotional suasion.
Here today via Michele's - Hi!
Out of the mouths of babes,I hope you can stop for his sake :)
Michele sent me back !
Good luck stopping!! A friend of mine managed to stop biting her nails recently. I hope she too doesn't move on to cuticles.
Michele sent me.
Kids are great huh!
Here via Michele.
I also bite my cuticles, and I've learned recently that it's considered a part of self-mutilation, like cutting or burning yourself. That has sobered me up and I'm a lot more careful about it. Let me suggest some thing to help you stop, if that's OK?
Cuticles come from very dry hands, so try slathering your hands with a thick lotion like eucerin and putting on cotton gloves while you sleep. You can get the gloves at a body shop store. Make sure you oil your cuticles a couple of times a day. Use a good cuticle oil from a beauty supply shop.
As the skin starts to harden, take a foot emory board, and file your fingers right around the cuticles. Keeping the skin smooth tends to keep cuticles from forming.
Buy yourself a cuticle scissors and trim them down as soon as they start to grow tough. The more you remove them, the less likely you are to chew them and rip them into shreds.
At this point, following my little regimen, the only fingers I still chomp on are my thumbs and they're clearing up pretty well.
Good luck.
Here via Michele
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I'm a recovering single mother trying desperately to see humor in my day to day toil while simultaneously avoiding reality as much as humanly possible.
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