Patience is a Virtue
Monday, February 27, 2006

There is a little plaque that hangs in my kitchen and it says "God grant me patience and I want it right NOW!".

This pretty much sums me up in one fell swoop. So add into this equation one ten year old boy who wants to learn to make cookies for his oral book report.

It involved a lot of teeth gritting on my part, exasperated "oh mom" on his part and a good hour of clean up time after(you try cleaning cookie dough off the ceiling quickly..dare ya).

Happily there were no burns, cuts, or bruised feelings by the time it was over.

I declare this little home economics lesson a success since I don't think I left him with any emotional scarring, although my teeth might never be the same again...

Blogger srp had this to say:

Too funny. Be glad that your little man didn't decide it would be a great "surprise" for his mom to make her some cookies "all by himself". Bet you wouldn't want that clean up or the slightly over done cookies (can you say dangerous projectile missles when thrown at the garbage can?)
Here from Michele.

3:35 PM, February 27, 2006 

Blogger Suzanne had this to say:

just wait until we have to start teaching our children to drive!!! yikes!

12:39 PM, February 28, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Well done on getting through it!

Here from Michele's Hi!

1:28 PM, March 01, 2006 

Blogger WendyWings had this to say:

How on earth did you get cookie dough on the ceiling ????
At least you survived it :)
Michele sent me today.

3:15 PM, March 03, 2006 

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