Spic and Span
Thursday, February 23, 2006

I love the smell of lavender and lilacs. I have scented drawer liners, air fresheners, perfume, even laundry soap.

While shopping I came across a great deal on some dish soap and was happy that it said "lavender scented".


Lavender does not invoke the image of clean dishes.

I know this now.
I didn't know it when I bought it, or the first time I used it, but after several loads of dirty dishes, I now know.

Lavender makes you think of clean laundry, summer days or feminine hygiene commercials but clean dishes?

Not so much.

Blogger Paste had this to say:

I think that I agree with you!

Here from Michele's this evening.

10:58 AM, February 23, 2006 

Blogger Purring had this to say:

Lavendar or not...I simply prefer if someone else does the dishes.

2:51 PM, February 23, 2006 

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