He loves me, He loves me not
Friday, February 24, 2006

I've said it before and I'll say it again...I don't understand men.

You say you love them, they catch the nearest Greyhound. You say you abhor them, they check the dictionary, then they declare their undying love...go figure.

There was this man, we were dating. It was nothing serious.

However, I didn't like how I was being treated and called it off. It was nothing big, but I don't like a man to come park his butt on my couch every night and call it dating. Can you say "YAWN".

So now I see him at my work now and then and his number will grace my caller ID from time to time but I just play blind and pretend I don't see it.

It's been about a month since the last call and last night he caught me because I have beginning Alzheimers and didn't recognize his phone number.

He wants another chance. I wont go into the details because let's face it, they're as boring as the relationship was, but he had a few chances and blew them all.

It seems the more curt I get with him and the more I say "no", the more he has decided that I really mean yes and he just has to convince me of the error of my ways.

So on this note, I have decided the next time I meet a man that I really would like a long term relationship with, I'm going to ignore the holly hell outta him. I going to plan my stealth attack like a well seasoned veteran and he'll never know what hit him.

I foresee marriage within the following year after that...

Blogger MaR had this to say:

Oh, the dating game. So far away. Good luck, young lady, I guess it hasn't gotten any easier after all these years... some things never change. Michele sent me tonight! have a nice weekend, hope you meet HIM.

12:46 PM, February 24, 2006 

Blogger Suzanne had this to say:

men. can't live with 'em...can't herd 'em to Canada. Hi from Michele's!
Please come by my blog and help me grovel to Ellen Degeneres won't you?

1:10 PM, February 24, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Men! :D

Here from Michele's :)

1:15 PM, February 24, 2006 

Blogger OldLady Of The Hills had this to say:

LOL, LOL! Here from Michele's...
Men are sometimes a complete mystery! the "I want you I don't want you--Push-Pull Syndrome..." OY!
Can't live with them and you can't live withouit them....OH NO???? (LOL)!! Just watch me.

3:55 PM, February 24, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Wait a minute... not ALL men are morons. Some of us are just NERDS.

Good luck with your strategy. I hope you find what you're looking for, stealth or not.

Michele sent me.

3:58 PM, February 24, 2006 

Blogger kimbofo had this to say:

Oh yea, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. But I'm now one of the lucky ones and have found myself a gem - we've been together 6 years - so my message is don't give up! But don't settle for second best either.

Here via Michele


4:21 PM, February 24, 2006 

Blogger srp had this to say:

Men have two brains. Unfortunately they can't think with the larger one and the smaller one doesn't think past the "moment". I thought I found one. He was the NERD kind. Unfortunately, turned into the MORON variety. Of course it isn't all their fault... they were raised by a woman. Women aren't doing a very good job raising their sons these days.
Your plan sounds ok, confuse them a little. Make them think a relationship was their idea all along.

Michele sent me.

4:34 PM, February 24, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Congratulations on being featured in my blogs "Ask The Tarot" post this week! Thank you for your question!

6:16 PM, February 25, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

The stealth attack almost always works. If it fails, then you can fall back on acting like the biggest bitch in the world. It seems like guys like those women. Oh, and if you could be a psycho bitch, ever so much better. Might take a little work, but I'm pretty sure you can pull it off if you practice and concentrate!

Michele did not send me. I'm pretty sure I don't even know Michele. But if I did, I'm sure she'd tell me to come read your blog. (Unless Michele is a guy, in that case HE would send me.) :-P

5:14 PM, February 26, 2006 

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