Monday, February 13, 2006

At work I am helping in putting together a community services fair. It's a great idea and we try really hard to get organizations involved that help the community. My first year helping I contacted Alcoholics Anonymous. I thought they would be a great fit to have at our fair. They are a non profit organization that helps the community, hence, great fit. I get on the phone with them and go through my little speech. I finally get their permission to send out the information and I get to the step where I need an address and an addressee. So I ask whom should I address the envelope too.

I was met with resounding silence. The silence of incredulity. Evidently I had hit upon a quandary. I needed to address this to someone and they are all anonymous.


Can you say dilemma??

We settled on Attn: Office Manager

I have filed this under "Blonde Moment"

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

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5:03 PM, February 28, 2007 

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