Sugar? Tea? A little bit of Me?
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Have you ever had so much to say,
yet found yourself without the words?

It's where I am at this moment; brimming with thoughts, concerns,

But I just percolate..never overflow...

I'm afraid to take off the lid for fear of boiling out all over this

I promise to start off with sips in hope of achieving a pour, just bear
with me.

In the meantime, my friend Fauve (who I can not link since I'm posting
via email from work, but you can find over there to your right with a
fork in her head..hehe) has tagged me for a meme. I'll have to check it
out when I get home and do it tomorrow as I have a date with some
birthday cake tonight. So, for the two of you who still read me, LOL,
I'll be posting soon.

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

And here I was thinking you were going for a world record. lol

10:56 AM, August 08, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

And what yummy birthday cake it was!

8:34 PM, August 08, 2007 

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  • Name:Kara
  • Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
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  • I'm a recovering single mother trying desperately to see humor in my day to day toil while simultaneously avoiding reality as much as humanly possible.

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