Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Itchy scratchy fingers of dread
Climbing up my spine
Vertebrae by vertebrae
Tangling in my hair
Pulling taut the skin of my face
Exposing my teeth in a humorless grin

Tension pulling my shoulders straight
My head a burdon to my shoulders
Hips tight
Legs poised
To run

Jitters skittering down my arms
Tip tapping into my finger tips
Constantly moving
For it
Whatever “it” is

“It’s” coming
just around the bend
any moment now
the other shoe
waiting to fall

like a duck
I’m serene on the surface
Picture of poise
While below I’m paddling like crazy

Just trying to stay afloat

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

Wow. That was a little out there. j/k lol

Been there done that. What is troubling you?

11:22 AM, June 27, 2007 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

not sure really, I just get this way every once in awhile. hate it.

1:21 PM, June 27, 2007 

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  • Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
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