Ten Seconds till Blast Off!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My toe is going to explode!

You might now ask yourself why I’m sharing this blurry picture of a bump on my toe….

If you’re asking yourself that, then you don’t recall that I am strange and have no shame, now you might remember.

I think it’s an ingrown nail...but I dunno. Notice the dark piece that you might think is dirt…heck no! It’s a scab where I tried to dig out the ingrown nail that I now think is a figment of my imagination.

Gangrene anyone??

Blogger Augs Casa had this to say:

2 words:


10:45 AM, June 20, 2007 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

I'm with Augs. You need to go to the doctor. It looks like it is an ingrown nail. I've had that and had to have it cut out because they can get infected.

11:24 AM, June 20, 2007 

Blogger Bill C had this to say:

But is it radioactive?

Expiring minds want to know.

1:55 PM, June 20, 2007 

Blogger ƒåυνέ had this to say:


8:07 AM, June 22, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I can't see it well enough to tell. I so thought I had something on my contacts when I looked at that picture.

Anyhow, yeah, doctor. If it is ingrown, they'll fix you up right quick. And as nasty as it sounds, the fix of cutting off half your toenail isn't that bad. Really.

11:03 AM, June 22, 2007 

Blogger Michael had this to say:

Maybe you're mutating? Just throwing that out as an option... ;-)

11:25 AM, June 25, 2007 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

ok, it blew, but now it's all better!!!

4:54 PM, June 25, 2007 

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