Caution: Signs Ahead
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Driving to the mechanic the other day I saw this sign:

and I have to ask myself, What exactly do they expect us to do?


Blogger Carrie had this to say:

You are TOO funny.

12:49 PM, June 05, 2007 

Blogger Augs Casa had this to say:

I think it means if you don't have a convertible, you'll have one driving on that road??

ha ha ha

1:34 PM, June 05, 2007 

Blogger Deech had this to say:

Maybe you can time it right and hitch a ride by grabbing on to the landing gear! LOL


1:47 PM, June 05, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

We've got those all over the place here.

My favorite road sign is one that looks like a reverse maxi-pad with wings. It means narrow bridge.

4:50 PM, June 06, 2007 

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