If Boys Ruled the World
Monday, June 25, 2007

Dropping Kendell off at the Boys and Girls Club this morning, I pulled into a parking spot and started to gather my things when I noticed Kendell staring at the sign with a hound dog look.

I take a look myself, trying to find the source of his is melancholy, but all I see is a plain old sign.
In bright summer blue letters it states, "Boys and Girls Club".

I turn back to him and watch him stare at the sign for a few moments more before he lets out a plaintive sigh, his words blowing out with his breath,
"Ooooh, why can't it just be, "The Boys Club'".

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Oh, Kendell...all too soon that attitude will change. LOL!

4:56 PM, June 25, 2007 

Blogger ME had this to say:

That is awesome! Definately something my son would say.

9:16 AM, June 26, 2007 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

Funny. I always wanted to play with the boys. Still do.

9:22 AM, June 26, 2007 

Blogger Augs Casa had this to say:

Boys Rule...girls drool..

O, that's the best I can come up with right now.

9:52 AM, June 26, 2007 

Blogger Deech had this to say:

My 7 year old son feels that the Girls have the Cooties...starting with his sister!


3:27 PM, June 26, 2007 

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