Tuesday, August 15, 2006

There's this song that tends to run rampant
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,Guess I'll go eat worms,
Like a toddler on crack
Long, thin, slimy ones;
Racing through my mind
Short, fat, juicy ones,
when I'm feeling sorry for myself
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms.
Repeating itself over
Down goes the first one,
And over
down goes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm
Till I start talking to myself
Up comes the first one,
In public
up comes the second one,
and people cross the street to avoid me.
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Damn worms...

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

That is bizarre.

9:52 AM, August 15, 2006 

Blogger Gypsy had this to say:

My mother used to sing that song to me when I was being pitiful. Are you being pitiful?

10:38 AM, August 15, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

I'm pitiful at least once a day as a rule..lol

11:26 AM, August 15, 2006 

Blogger Bill C had this to say:

So... this isn't about Gummi Worms?

I'm thinking the public (in general) should be more tolerant toward the Silent-Voices Challenged.

You: ongoing internal conversation with the 'mute' button regrettably "off."

Public: display of aversion

You: "Sorry, I'm a little SVC today."

Public: token display of empathy and/or compassion. Or possibly stronger aversion; some people just don't Get It.

3:40 PM, August 15, 2006 

Blogger nzdanboy had this to say:

*singing* I know a song that will piss you off

*singing* I know a song that will piss you off

*singing* I know a song that will piss you off

*singing* I know a song that will piss you off

*singing* I know a song that will piss you off

*singing* I know a song that will piss you off

*singing* I know a song that will piss you off

Hugz and smile

4:04 PM, August 15, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

It's a good thing I think i'm funny...hehe

4:25 PM, August 15, 2006 

Blogger Janet had this to say:

I like the puzzle piece design.

Good challenge.:)

4:31 PM, August 15, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

Oh Man, that wore off by the next day..lol

10:44 AM, August 16, 2006 

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