One Day
Thursday, July 27, 2006

One day I will wake up and not be assaulted by the realities of my life.
I will roll out of bed happy to go to work and pull on shoes that I bought this month, not three years ago. I will have pants that haven't been held together by mendings and I wont have to worry about stretching the dollars enough for gas till my next payday.

One day I will be able to buy whatever it is my son wants, when he wants and not worry about what bill has to slide in order to make everything work.

One day I will not worry about rent increases, back to school shopping, and daycare. My son's father can protest the amount of child support he doesnt pay all he wants because I. Wont. Need. Him.

One day I'm going to remember what it's like to have a hobby.

One day I will take Kendell to DisneyLand.

One day I will go back to college and not need financial aid or worry about how I will pay for daycare while I go.

One day I will not feel that I am drowning in worries because I make too much to receive help, but not enough to help myself get ahead.

One day I will never have to do a pay day loan again.

One day I will not eat Top Ramon because I have too.

One day I wont need to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.

One day, just not today

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

At least you know the things that you are lacking and so you can work towards reaching your goals.

Sometimes I sit here and can't figure out what would make me happy.

12:06 PM, July 27, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

I feel better now, just writing it down when I get "down"..helps..

12:47 PM, July 27, 2006 

Blogger Yo Tambien Te Mando Besos had this to say:

My dear Kara,
I hope all gets better and you don't feel so "down". I'm sure things will lighten up for such a nice lady like you. *hug*

2:16 PM, July 27, 2006 

Blogger Kal had this to say:

that was beautiful...

2:23 PM, July 27, 2006 

Blogger Gypsy had this to say:

You will, indeed.

6:08 AM, July 28, 2006 

Blogger Just a trumpet player had this to say:

One of those days, hein ? I'll drink some Cremant for you... or maybe I should just ship the bottle ?

Hang in there !

6:50 PM, August 03, 2006 

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  • Name:Kara
  • Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
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  • I'm a recovering single mother trying desperately to see humor in my day to day toil while simultaneously avoiding reality as much as humanly possible.

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