Complaint Letter
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dear Cupid,

Really, what the hell is wrong with you?!! I've been waiting for your delivery now for 33 years...tick tock tick tock, time is awastin my friend.
I understand back log but really, this is ridiculous.
Have you heard of Federal Express??? Overnight delivery...check into it.

I can understand you sending in pinch hitters to tide me over, but couldn't you send any with a job? Or that didn't live with their mother? If I have to deal with one more man with a foot fetish, you and I might just have to go a round, and I'm not talking about drinks either Romeo.

I don't think you understand the time sensitivity of my delivery. I was expecting it about ten years ago and the tracking system keeps reporting that it's "enroute". Really, how hard is it to deliver stateside??? I mean if you were sending me a package from Spain I could understand the delay, there's the travel time, time for citizenship papers to process, some English as a second language lessons...but seriously here, time is of the essence. There's an expiration date that's coming due!

So I am sending you this friendly reminder to either pony the hell up or I'm taking an arrow to your diapered ass.


Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I think Cupid may well have had a heavy night out and not reported back into the office for some time if my experiences are anything to go by!

1:06 PM, July 25, 2006 

Blogger Becky had this to say:

I got the package once, and then "returned to sender." :) Came by way of Michele.

3:02 PM, July 25, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

motherdear, Redrover says, send him right over! =0)

4:49 PM, July 25, 2006 

Blogger nikki had this to say:


i heard you can get what you want with sugar rather than vinegar. cupid's feelings might be hurt with the way you just blasted him for poor customer service. lol

9:08 PM, July 25, 2006 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

Good things come to those who wait. Actually I know your pain. I tried the online dating thing and met lots of great guys with jobs. I had a blast but I'm too shy and gave up. I'm just going to wait for cupid too.

8:14 AM, July 26, 2006 

Blogger Yo Tambien Te Mando Besos had this to say:

Hi Kara,

I do hope Mr. Cupid gets his work done because you deserve it. Don't give up if this is what you really want. Here from Michele today.

2:49 PM, July 26, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Oh Kara, I could have written that. I have only been waiting for 2 years but still. Keep the faith, sister. He is out there.

3:00 PM, July 26, 2006 

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