Sharing is Caring
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Ten year old boys don't seem to take colds very well.
All of a sudden my "I can do it myself MOM" boy turned into a whiney, clingy, amoeba that lived on my couch.
Every ailment was cause to whip out the thermometer to see if his temperature had climbed one more degree. This was of course to prove to me that he must indeed be dyeing.
After missing work for two days and handling as much day time TV as one person should be subjected too, I pronounced this morning that he was well enough to go to school. So with moans and groans and look of abject misery I watched my little trooper climb aboard his school bus.
As the school bus pulled away and I waved at the diminishing vision of my child doing his best imitation of a martyr I realized something.
He gave ME his damn cold!
link | posted by Kara at 5/24/2006 04:01:00 PM
Star had this to say:
I knew it.Thye start young. We all know it gets worse as they get older.Not much more annoying than a husband with a
cold. Michele sent me.
- 5:23 PM, May 24, 2006
barbie2be had this to say:
don't you love it when they share.... :(
michele sent me.
- 9:28 AM, May 25, 2006
Tom had this to say:
I still want my mom when I am sick! LOL!! You are a cool parent dude! what is the "michele sent me" comments? Who is Michele? I am always in the dark! LOL
- 10:26 AM, May 25, 2006
had this to say:
the little germ factories. they always share those!
- 4:31 PM, May 25, 2006
shpprgrl had this to say:
40ish year old boys don't handle sickness well either. Yes, sickness is one time that sharing always happens! Thanks for stopping by yesterday.
- 5:46 AM, May 26, 2006
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