The park
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Children, all shapes and shades. Wonderfully radient in their differences. Voices blend, combined into a cadence belting out the sounds of summer. Small hands dusty with play reach for a daddys strength and i have never felt so singuler as i do watching. I knew this parenting road would be a long one, i just never expected to feel so isolated in a place teaming with this much life.

Blogger Tom had this to say:

Gosh, that was heavy. You opened the door to what you are feeling. Thanks for that. Being a single parent must be hard at times. But I hear and see a strong woman behind these words, your son is lucky!

5:10 AM, May 23, 2006 

Blogger Yo Tambien Te Mando Besos had this to say:

Dear Kara,

I know I really don't know you but from what I've read here I can see you are a strong, intelligent and confident woman. The kind of person I would like to be. I know it is inevitable to feel lonely once in a while but never forget all you are worth. I'm sure your son is proud, very proud of having a mother like you.

3:20 PM, May 24, 2006 

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  • Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
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