Guppy Yuppie
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Recently I purchased a second line to my cell phone plan and tentatively informed Kendell that the phone is his for next year. We have need of a second phone at home when the sitter is there and I prefer he have it for middle school in case of an emergency.
As you can imagine he's taken to the new technology like a young executive to a Rolex.
The other day I realized this phone thing might become an issue when he texed me from his bedroom asking, "what's for dinner?"
Seems he didn't find my response of "phone soup" amusing...hmmmmm
link | posted by Kara at 5/04/2006 02:02:00 PM
had this to say:
That is HILARIOUS. Yes, that's taking technology a step too far, that's for sure!!!
Here from Michele this lovely afternoon. Have a great weekend!
- 2:45 PM, May 04, 2006
M. had this to say:
Wait... that's NOT what text messaging is for?
Here from Michele's!
- 4:16 PM, May 04, 2006
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