Guppy Yuppie
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Originally uploaded by KaraMia.
Recently I purchased a second line to my cell phone plan and tentatively informed Kendell that the phone is his for next year. We have need of a second phone at home when the sitter is there and I prefer he have it for middle school in case of an emergency.

As you can imagine he's taken to the new technology like a young executive to a Rolex.

The other day I realized this phone thing might become an issue when he texed me from his bedroom asking, "what's for dinner?"

Seems he didn't find my response of "phone soup" amusing...hmmmmm

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

That is HILARIOUS. Yes, that's taking technology a step too far, that's for sure!!!

Here from Michele this lovely afternoon. Have a great weekend!

2:45 PM, May 04, 2006 

Blogger M. had this to say:

Wait... that's NOT what text messaging is for?

Here from Michele's!

4:16 PM, May 04, 2006 

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