Paris Hilton as a Role Model
Friday, May 26, 2006

God kill us all now because if Paris Hilton is now officially a role model then the end is definitely near!

Let me just say one little phrase: Purse Dogs

Yes, little dogs stuffed into purses. Overlooking the obvious sanitary issues this brings (poopy purses), the bottom line is people (aka WOMEN) look at the ditzy heiress and think, "hmmm, I can do that too". Do you want to distribute your own sex tapes as well?? Well,..ok..most of you don't.

Recently I had to research the laws governing animals in public places because of some woman dragging her poor little animal into a store stowed away in her purse.

News flash: This is not legal people! It's against health code violations to bring an animal other then a service animal into a business that serves or prepares food or has un packaged food for sale.

Can you say "No Shit"?? Most of us are smart enough to figure this one out without help.

So tell me why do women ranging in ages from Aaron Carter lovers to geriatric patients think this is cute and acceptable form of fashion? These animals are not fashion accessories for God's sake.

I myself have noticed a steady decline in the nations intelligent quota since the Hilton family decided taking their idiocy public was a good idea. I had no idea it was a contagion that would spread around the world like the Black Plague.

I was shopping the other day at a grocery store, waiting at the deli, only to see a little furry head pop out of the hand bag of the woman standing near me. After I cleaned up the mess I made when I peed myself, I started to think of the other instances I have seen this happen.

Case in point: I am taking my wee little munchken to see Over the Hedge. We are waiting outside for friends when I hear this horrendous yipping of a dog that is obviously being hurt. My son in a panic shows me this teenage girl who is in the process of stuffing this poor pup into her purse in order to get past the ticket booth.

Kendell is absolutely frantic because this animal is totally zipped into the purse. He looks at me and demands I, "do something NOW MOM".

So I do what any self respecting mother would do, I told the manager.

Take THAT you dog purse lovers, If I see ya, I'm gonna TATTLE!

Blogger Yoda had this to say:



Michele sent me. Have a great (purse dog free) holiday weekend!


11:58 AM, May 26, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Michelle sent me.
Cool blog.
I totally agree about the Doggy Purse that Paris had... it's ridiculous! Only I didn't actually know that other people are doing this now... scary. I feel for the Dogs.
My twelve year old, who is alreadys asking for peircings and tat's had better not even think about that one!

12:09 PM, May 26, 2006 

Blogger utenzi had this to say:

Michele sent me to see you, Kara Mia.

Damn it. If it's not bad enough to have babies crying during a movie, now we're going to have to endure watching a movie with dogs barking as well. The world is going to Hell in a handbasket--with Toto in it. (or Rover etc)

12:22 PM, May 26, 2006 

Blogger rashbre had this to say:

I wonder if the small dog could simply be worn around the neck on a strap somewhat like a handbag(purse) strap.

I have stayed in the Paris Hilton at La Defence around 3 times. But I'm not bragging.

Hiya - Michele sent me.


12:36 PM, May 26, 2006 

Blogger A Army Of (Cl)One had this to say:

Good job on ratting out the person wiht a rat dog. I would say what is this world comming to, but I remember all the stupid thing people did when I was young (my dad would point them out. I do belive people are as dumb as ever, we just notice more that we are getting older.

and Hello, Michele sent me.

2:51 PM, May 26, 2006 

Blogger srp had this to say:

Here from Michele.
First, love the puzzle header. Everyone is getting these custom headers.
I've seen a little dog at a rehab place but she was a therapy dog, and would sit next to stroke patients and just look at them... they would smile, and work their hands more so they could pet her. Her name is Faith. But never in a purse.
Frankly, I'd like to see Paris try to stuff my rescue dog Max in a purse, carrier or anything for that matter. He is a good judge of character. He'd probably take her hair extensions off and a chunck out of that too skinny thigh. Max is my bud, he doesn't put up with any garbage like she dishes out.

4:42 PM, May 26, 2006 

Blogger OldLady Of The Hills had this to say:

Thanks for the visit...and YES! I did see what she did with yours and it is wonderful...I too love what she did with mine! Thanks so mucg for the feedback on it. Do tell Maddie, if you get a chance.

5:22 PM, May 26, 2006 

Blogger Red Hot Sexy Papa had this to say:

I hate Paris Hilton....! My ear drums were laughing when i read she's a role model... all parents will go broke!

7:11 AM, May 27, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

where's PETA when you need them?


10:41 AM, May 29, 2006 

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