Little Pieces
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I found out that a good friend of my mother passed away this weekend. Sometimes it feels like I am living in a season of death, so many have gone these last few years.

Each time I lose someone connected to my mother, it feels like little pieces of her are falling away. Soon, I will be left with this incomplete puzzle that only those who knew her could fill in. A once full table slowly emptying, each member fading away with time.

I can not keep all of her memories together, though I scramble to remember each and every story. I remember groaning each time she would begin a tale that I had heard I strain to remember her words, the tone of her voice...

She is drifting away from me before I am ready, all these little pieces...slipping away.

Blogger Walking Barefoot had this to say:

I do hope you can find another way to remember and keep the pieces from slipping away. Visiting from Michele's.

10:38 AM, April 11, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Awww..... ((hugs))... I will have to read your archives and find out what happened, but I can only imagine how you must feel.

Now I'm all teary.

11:00 AM, April 11, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

i feel the same way about my parents. old age sucks so bad.


7:24 PM, April 12, 2006 

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