Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring arrived yesterday in all her playful glory. She set upon us like a determined debutante at her coming out ball. She was full of graceful warmth, the very picture of style. Her scent, subtle and floral, carried to our noses on a light breeze. She invited one to play in her presence. So persistent that she pulled you out the door to heed her siren call.

Her laughter could be heard in the rustle of the blooms, her smile, shy and sweet, hidden behind light clouds, peekabooing with us through the day.

Oh how I do love Spring in all her moods and fancies. Her stormy nature tempered by the loving caresses of sun, she makes me turn my head to the warmth, following its rays like a newly bloomed daisy. She is the comely cousin of summer. So young in possibilities, she makes me want to dance with her on a carpet of green. She is the optimum of manners, leaving you with hope, laughter, and wanting just a few moments more of her time.

Blogger Jennifer had this to say:

hello from michele's!!!! spring has sprung... however we are due for some snow tonight and tomorrow :(

1:40 PM, March 20, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

it rained cats and dogs here!


8:42 PM, March 20, 2006 

Blogger Tom had this to say:

ah spring, my favorite season. You summed it up well! Now if the snow would melt here in mn...

6:33 AM, March 22, 2006 

Blogger carmilevy had this to say:

It snowed here today. It snowed yesterday, too. I think it has snowed every day since spring made her official, calendar-based debut.

I think I'll stop hoping for a while. Maybe then things will warm up a bit.

10:51 PM, March 24, 2006 

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