God Bless the IRS!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Long exhale...I got my tax return. I was able to pay of some loans that were pending and get my feet back on solid ground. Thank you LORD. I don't remember being this giddy at my high school prom, and that's GIDDY people, trust me.

So while i'm not rolling in dough, I am not rolling in past due notices either. That makes me happy.
See, I'm easy to please! I have no idea what all those past boytoys are talking about..really.

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Good on you! Here from Michele's today....hey there!

12:07 PM, February 07, 2006 

Blogger sage had this to say:

Refund, what's that? Glad you're happy! (are you saying money does make one happy?)

3:08 PM, February 07, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

Yuppers, money makes one very happy; however, it's usually the one who's receiving money from me because I owed them...sigh...it's never perfect is it.

3:12 PM, February 07, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I can show you how to make a paper airplane out of a $100 bill. They fly really really really far. It'll be soooo cool. Really, you should try it.

9:26 AM, February 08, 2006 

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