Me be likin' him thus far.
And he watches American Idol? No fair!!
Yep, know that feeling. It's been a more then 4 months here and I still check in his basement periodically for buried bodies...
[school girl giggling]
This is so cool.
He sounds great! Keep us posted. :)
... and to think that I met my wife in of all places--the office. She was the new secretary, and I, the too busy to talk to anyone worker. Good luck!
Flowers AND American Idol and is including Kendell ??
I'm feeling soooo jealous right now.
Does he have a twin brother you can send my way ??
Congrats Kara!
Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
Kara just tell them that it is me and I am not a man. Gosh I can't believe you have to be so secret about us. LOL
Sounds fantastic! Um, how bout kickboxer? BigMan?
When I found mine I almost wanted to lock him in MY basement so I wouldn't lose him. Tracking beacons are pretty cool and not so stalkerish either. Congrats!
Ooooh!!! He sounds fantastic.
Oh, and it's so funny, but hubby and I call each other Mama and Daddy. Have NO FREAKING CLUE why or when we started that, but it fits us.
As for what to call him - hmmmm. PG (Perfect Guy)?
Does he have any likes that are unusual? That's always a good place to get nicknames. Or if he wears something alot (Jeans or Polo shirts). You're the one closest to him right now. And you're so good at coming up with nicknames.
You sound so happy! YAY! He sounds like a great guy.
Names? How 'bout Big Daddy? ;-)
Yup, he loves American Fauve, I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop....thats just cause i have such a nice sunny outlook on life (cough cough)
Just A Trumpet, He has, but they are all married.
sheesh, ok Carrie, yes, he is a kickboxer and he's a big guy..which makes CeCe's nick name suggestion very appropriate
Gin, I'm thinking about the tracking beacon but currently it would just show him at my
Callie...LOL..I always wondered how people get into that for pet names..
CeCe...I think you hit the nail on the
Woohoo!!!! Congrats. :)
He’s affectionate, soft spoken, hard working, and he had me at “I don’t live with my mother and I have my own car and a job”….
I think I'm in love with him now too! :)
Hey, this is great news! But stop stalling and tell me more about those things that are illegal in all 50 states.
Oooh, sounds very promising.
I'm with Cece and voting for Big Daddy.
I'm sure it was just torture for him to play X-box too.
Sounds like your having a great time. Yay for big kick boxing, flower bringing, hard working men.
Traffic cone! Whew! Had me worried.
Congratulations and best to you in the times ahead.
YAY YAY YAY YAY! Good things come to those who wait! And you deserve it. Flowers twice in a month? I approve. Affectionate? I approve. Plays with kid? I approve.
How about you call him Mr. Goodthing? :)
I'm a recovering single mother trying desperately to see humor in my day to day toil while simultaneously avoiding reality as much as humanly possible.
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