Nights like these
Friday, January 06, 2006

Pain kept me awake last night. The electronic sounds of surf crashing whited out the baying of urban sprawl seeping in my window. I am so alone. Isolated on my little isle of suburbia. Loneliness seems to seep from my pores and beneath the lids of my eyes. In the deepest corner of the night my thoughts fight each other for dominance. Inner turmoil held off by the light of day gains foot holds on my soul. My chest is weighted down with worries; it takes every bit of strength in me to take the next breath. Anything and everything that I have agonized over finds safe keeping in my chaotic head. I just wish to sleep, to take a few hours of oblivion to sooth my soul. Seagulls keep tune with my self recriminations. I can almost taste the salt on the wind. Nights like this I want to run far away. To get lost in foreign words and deep dark eyes. I exhaust myself running from myself and finally slumber lulls me away with the soft caress of a mother. My mind settles with the comfort that the sun will dawn and my sons laughter will be my bones, his smile, my will. Tomorrow is a new day.

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I love this post. It's so poetic!

10:20 AM, January 06, 2006 

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  • Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
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