The Kindness of Strangers
Monday, December 31, 2007

It always surprises me the depth of empathy people can display.
When things have been hard and I've felt I resided at the bottom of the deepest well, there has always been someone that throws a rope.

Funny how even a small rope can lift you up beyond what you thought possible.

I received a gift in the mail shortly after Christmas this year and the simple kindness that it portrayed brought tears to my eyes. It's not often that we are reminded that others think of us, and that we are not as alone as we might feel.

Thank you Byron.

I hope to pay that kindness forward.

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

It is people like Bryon that make me smile. And you deserve to smile too!

4:44 PM, December 31, 2007 

Blogger Deech had this to say:

Just stoppin by to wish you and yours the Happiest of New Years! Make it a good one!


10:06 AM, January 02, 2008 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

It's always the simple, small gestures that seem to touch us most deeply. How inspiring that Byron was able to give you such a gift.

You deserve the good things, my friend. My wish is for you to receive more of them in the year to come. Good souls deserve no less.

8:51 PM, January 08, 2008 

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