Monday, September 17, 2007


They have the power to begin a new life. Spoken at the alter they bind and promise like a silken ribbon wound over two hands.

They have the ability to grieve. Inarticulate expulsions of sound, spewed out in moments of unbearable agony, they prostate themselves upon the ground, swept along in the tide of emotions.

And they have the ability to heal. Two of the strongest, and most mis-used, words in the English dictionary are; I'm sorry. Words can reach across oceans and grasp your hands in theirs, sharing memories, laughter, and sorrow with the surcease of their touch.

We wield these weapons with the skillful artistry of a samurai. We chop them to pieces in hurried conversations to friends and we use them to our advantage with all the savvy of a Wallstreet executive.

Yet we do it without truly thinking about the weight and responsibility hefted in each sentence, every small nuance and tone. We forget how we have lingered over a remembered conversation, examining it for hidden messages disguised in "how are you" and " I miss you". We feel their weight only when we bear the burden of translating their meaning.

I play with them here upon this page; they are my friends, confidants, and judges.

I've never known the importance of words until I am at a loss for them. Till I can't take them back, call them home with a chastisement, bundling them up to bed.

So many words I have let loose and careless in this world, like wild, mud splattered children. If only I could erase them as easily as I wipe the smudges off a face.
If only...

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

Are you trying to make me cry? That was beautiful and so true. I sometimes wonder what I take for granted. Sometimes I feel I should say so much more. Man, I am so glad to call you my friend.

4:50 AM, September 18, 2007 

Blogger Michael had this to say:

A beautiful and insiteful post... poetry really. Well said!

12:33 PM, September 18, 2007 

Blogger Deech had this to say:

Very eloquently stated. You certainly have a skill with words. Me? I am a novice by comparison. I read your blog to get a breath a fresh air in how words are to be properly used. Thanks for the post!


12:36 PM, September 18, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Extremely well-said Kara. I know there's a few I'd like to call home.

7:47 PM, September 19, 2007 

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  • Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
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