Observations from the Edge
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

As I was visiting the corner office the day before last, the writing on
the wall started to speak to me.

In fact it said, "Seat Covers for Your Protection". "Quantity 1000".

I had just used the last one.

As I am sitting there contemplating this, it occurs to me that if I am
using the last seat cover, then nine hundred and ninety nine other
behinds had graced this particular throne...

Somehow a flimsy piece of tissue paper hardly seems adequate.

My coworkers look at me funny as I take my roll of aluminum foil to the
restroom now...

But who will have the last laugh really? Ohhhh, I think you know!

Blogger Gypsy had this to say:

This reminds me of the toilet in a beer garden in Munich -- it was self-cleaning. Priceless.

12:31 PM, March 20, 2007 

Blogger Jodi had this to say:

Ouch. Prickly little points.

5:59 PM, March 20, 2007 

Blogger Michael had this to say:

Isn't aluminum foil a bit... ahem... cold?

10:46 PM, March 20, 2007 

Blogger Dan had this to say:

My coworkers look at me funny as I take my roll of aluminum foil to the restroom now

Aluminum foil? So when you are about to sit down, you can sneak a good peak at your own butt in the reflection huh? :)

2:57 PM, March 21, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Public toilets scare me. The other day I was in one that offered little cleaning wipes for the toilet. As if I would touch that thing with my hands. Putting my butt on it is one thing, but my hands. Ewwww.

3:59 AM, March 22, 2007 

Blogger Troubles Braids had this to say:

Is the foil for making a space hat so you can contact the aliens to sanitize the throne before use?

5:55 AM, March 22, 2007 

Blogger *~*Cece*~* had this to say:

Dammit! I hate when people figure shit out & scare the rest of us. lol

4:17 PM, March 26, 2007 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Our local casino has self-cleaners. You step on a red button and a fresh batch of plastic runs from one side of the seat to the other, covering it entirely in plastic. I love those toilets.

5:29 PM, March 26, 2007 

Blogger ƒåυνέ had this to say:

Sit? Are you crazy?
I'm practiced in the fine art of 'hover peeing'.

9:14 AM, March 27, 2007 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

Oh that is the worst. I have seen way too many public toilets over the last two weeks and now wish I would have read this post. Now I am off to get some foil. :)

10:18 AM, March 28, 2007 

Blogger Deech had this to say:

Jeez, I don't have an issue. I just lift the lid and then wash my hands afterwards. LOL!


12:07 PM, March 28, 2007 

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