Christmas Spirit
Saturday, December 23, 2006

I'm doing some last minute shopping today.

Why?? You might ask. Because evidently I am off my ever lovin rocker. That's ok though because every other living soul out here is a crayon short of a full box.

I'm just saying that ya'll better prepare to bail me out of the pokey if one more crazy driver thinks that parking their yuppy ass SUV in my trunk will make me go faster.

I'm having visions of yuppies on a stick...much better then sugar plums and lollipops anyday.

Bah Hum Bug!

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

ummm are you calling my vehicle a "yuppy ass suv"?? I was no where near you today!! :o)

I did spend the last 12 hours wrapping presents for Kathy.......ughhhhhh and then she dragged me out to buy MORE presents....

Ribbons, bows, wrapping paper...I think there should be new gift giving rules....everybody you buy for gets one gift. that's it. and no wrapping crap that goes in wonder my parents never gave us stockings, what a crock...

1:34 AM, December 24, 2006 

Blogger Michael had this to say:

Did you survive? I like to go shopping late at night right before stores close. About the only time they're not too crowded for my taste!

10:59 AM, December 24, 2006 

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