Ransom Call?
Thursday, December 14, 2006

"I have your child" a low gruff voice rasps over the cell phone line. The voice quivering with menace.
I stop to think about this for a second.
"Well, you better make sure you have him back by Christmas or he'll be very upset" I state.
a burst of giggles
"Aw Mom. It's me, your son Kendell."
"No!" I gasp in feigned surprise.
"Yeah, really" he giggles out
"Wow, that's a relief!"

Blogger *~*Cece*~* had this to say:

*lol* Who taught that kid how to use the telephone?? That's funny.

9:12 AM, December 14, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I bet he has you cracking up all the time! What a cutie! LOL

10:05 AM, December 14, 2006 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

He most certainly has your sense of humor. I hope you are prepared for that.

Only 2 more days and you will be blogging from home! Woo hoo!!!!

10:18 AM, December 14, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

The little stinker! LOL

10:34 AM, December 14, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I used to call my Mom pretending to be a State Police officer... She failed to see the humor in it...

8:27 PM, December 14, 2006 

Blogger Red Hot Sexy Papa had this to say:

Try to be a financial advisor cum insurance agent once. BACKFIRED.

"I am going to nag at my son till death. Actually right after this conversation. Please come soon. I want to be a wealthy mother. Hmmm I believe I am supposed to sound pitiful now"

My Mom. Proud of her. Not the jokes. LOL

9:44 PM, December 14, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

You've been tagged! :)


5:54 AM, December 15, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Too funny!

11:17 AM, December 15, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

That's cute, but scary at the same time. LOL

6:41 AM, December 17, 2006 

Blogger Tina had this to say:

LOL. Indeed, scary and funny! We used to try to pretend we were our friends parents so we could spend the night at their house.

7:10 PM, December 17, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Oh! What a little stinker. Zed does some funny stuff sometimes too. More likely though he thinks he's being funny, and I'm wondering what alien planet he landed from.

7:49 PM, December 17, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

OMG! I would have passed out. Good thing you caught on so fast. Sounds like your son has a great sense of humor,even if it could freak you out from time to time.

9:36 PM, December 17, 2006 

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