You Like Me! You Really, Really Like Me!
Friday, December 01, 2006

Poor Sally Field...but I LOVE that quote!
Thanks so much whomever nominated me! You guys are the greatest!
(psst, the check's in the mail)

Check out the voting on Red Hot Heaven.
Voting is open till December 10th! Coooommme ooonnn, you know you want to....
Ok, know i'll whine about it till you doooooooo.

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Congratulations Sweetie! I never heard of this until now. I'm heading there now to vote.

9:38 AM, December 01, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Hey! Good for you!

How it feel to be red hot?

Does it hurt? ;)


10:00 AM, December 01, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Lookatchoo red hot mama!! Love it!!!! I'm off to vote!! YAY YOU!!!

10:03 AM, December 01, 2006 

Blogger *~*Cece*~* had this to say:

How do I vote? How do I vote???

10:22 AM, December 01, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

Dan, It's a voting thing Red Hot Sexy Pappa does every year. I get a cool little button if I win! Woot woot!

Steve, Honey,i've been red hot for so long i've forgotten what it's like to be

Beth, kisses girly!

Cece, click on the yellow link in my post and that will get you to his site. Then you just email him with "Reddies" as your subject line and in the body say what catagory you're voting in and who for. I'm in TWO catagories...yea me!!!

10:30 AM, December 01, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I voted! I voted! You're one HOT mama!

12:33 PM, December 01, 2006 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

I hate being first to comment so I waited. I went over and voted for you. You don't think I would let you lose, would ya?

2:07 PM, December 01, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

Carrie - You afraid to comment first??? no way jose!
naw I know you got my back gurrlll

2:17 PM, December 01, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I have voted! Go Karamia!

Now get finding that embarrassing hair picture for me. My first contestant sent me theirs today! Woohoo!

2:54 PM, December 01, 2006 

Blogger carmilevy had this to say:

You've got my vote!

It's nice to see the rest of the world finally figuring out what we've known all along.

3:37 PM, December 01, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

Mind--Woot Woot!

Carmi- You're way to nice to me!

4:23 PM, December 01, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Heading on over to vote....

8:11 PM, December 01, 2006 

Blogger Unknown had this to say:

Hey..I love that line. Heading over to vote in a sec. BTW, loved that post about your old boss....beotch.

And I finally got around to updating my template and blogroll and wanted you to know I have added you to my blogroll on the sidebar. Sorry it took so long.

11:55 AM, December 02, 2006 

Blogger Keshi had this to say:

it's mah pleasure to vote for ya...on my way!


6:14 PM, December 03, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Cool! So will all of those who voted for you get to see a photo of you wearing only the button? ;)

7:49 PM, December 03, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I'm gonna go vote, hot stuff!

7:46 AM, December 04, 2006 

Blogger Kara had this to say:

I wouldn't want to scare all of you away by doing that!

8:35 AM, December 04, 2006 

Blogger ƒåυνέ had this to say:

Congratulations!! Very cool...
I'll be voting. Good luck!

11:21 AM, December 04, 2006 

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