Hello World! Today I am Legal!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So today must be my day for deep confessions...of course, in my world, a wading pool is pretty damn deep.

But I digress (yah, like that's surprising)

Any who...I have been running from the law since February 1, 2006, the day my car tabs expired.

I didn't start out a criminal. I paid my tabs like any other regular Joe. Sometimes I was a bit late..but never like this.
Yes, I am a law breaker. You might think this is small potatoes, but let me tell you, I have noticed the longer I've gone without renewing my car tabs, the more police officers resemble Atilla the Hun.

Even my son has noticed my furtive actions and odd driving patterns.
I avoid major roads. I turn off immediately when I notice a cop in my rearview. I spend more time looking behind me then in front. It's amazing I haven't rear ended some poor law abiding fool.
I even avoided driving after dark...cause it's harder to tell who's behind you.

I'm like that little fish that swims under sharks eating crap off their bellies. I am most happy when I'm right behind a cop car. Why? Because that means they are not BEHIND me....where they can see the sordid proof of my crime.

Today however I made an honest woman of myself. I marched my not little butt down to the emission testing then hightailed it over to the licensing building like I was breaking outta prison.

Let me tell you, the feeling of relief was as palpable in my expression as a pregnant woman hitting the potty after a long road trip.

Eight months I went without current tabs...

I am one bad mama jammer.

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

And to think that just the other day, when my coworkers said, hey we saw Kara in the building today, what was she doing here? I immediately said I dunno, she didn't stop by to see me so I assume she came to buy her car tabs. Wow, I was soooooo wrong about you. Shame on you......atleast you didn't stoop to my level and back into the driveway so cops driving past my house didn't notice mine were expired....

7:30 PM, September 26, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Doesn't it feel good to be on the up and up? :)

7:47 PM, September 26, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I must confess mine are up too. But only since June. I didn't remember or notice until August. I will go. I promise. I feel dirty and illegal but I want to be legal just like you.

9:23 PM, September 26, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I hate to admit this but I once went TWO YEARS with an expired driver's license. Cops were the enemy for a very long time. I still get all twitchy when I see a cop car, and that's not only from my days as a serious pothead.

6:47 AM, September 27, 2006 

Blogger *~*Cece*~* had this to say:

Good to have you back on THIS side! Good for you!

9:48 AM, September 27, 2006 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

I just went 2 months without mine and all that drinking and driving I do, made me nuts.

10:24 AM, September 27, 2006 

Blogger Unknown had this to say:

Ha...fun story. I never would guessed you were such a criminal. ;0]


5:18 PM, September 28, 2006 

Blogger TamWill had this to say:

Better late than never you bad, bad gurl ;)

8:51 PM, September 28, 2006 

Blogger smizzo had this to say:

OMG, you're such a rebel! ;)

Dude, did you pour yourself a glass of wine after you paid up? It's time to celebrate!

8:03 AM, October 02, 2006 

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