Social Life??
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I just realized this morning that my only real social life is my son's baseball practices.

He has practice three times a week and it's my only interaction with adults outside of work.

This is very sad.

Especially when you take into account that the only reason I get to talk to the other parents is because I am trying to pull Buddy's nose outta their respective crotches.

Go Buddy!

Blogger TamWill had this to say:

My social life is centered around the ballpark as well.

With practice 3 times a is no wonder ;)

Michelle sent me!

9:03 AM, April 25, 2006 

Blogger Tom had this to say:

Awe, dogs bring us all together! Wooof!

8:25 AM, April 26, 2006 

Blogger A Army Of (Cl)One had this to say:

Ahh the fun of a social life based on your kids. I can understand your pain. And I was displeased to read about your son’s school difficulties.

My wife is a School Psych and set up programs to help children adapt to the classroom in ways that best suits their needs. She has her share of frustration with teachers who don't know or want to know about how to work with special needs kids. I hope all goes well for the two of you.

Oh and, Hello, Michele sent me.

10:49 AM, April 26, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

i love baseball. i had the police called on me once. we were cheering too enthusiastically. sad thing was none of us had any kids in the game. we were just watching to enjoy the game.

oh, we were watching the game in a park from our apartment balcony. the police just laughed and told us to quit.


8:11 PM, April 26, 2006 

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