Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The question I have for myself every once in awhile has finally been answered.

What would my life be like if I had no children...


Blogger *~*Cece*~* had this to say:

Doesn't it seem like we're as dependant on them as they are on uh? Huh, what a trip.

2:38 PM, August 09, 2006 

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

Now you know why I keep myself so busy and have a cat. Someday though....sigh.

2:53 PM, August 09, 2006 

Blogger Yo Tambien Te Mando Besos had this to say:

I think that is a good answer :)... hang in there Kara.

3:45 PM, August 09, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I think it would be fine for a day or two, but I know what you mean. I miss my kids like crazy when I'm not with them. They do make life a lot more interesting!

10:29 PM, August 09, 2006 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

You would have a different perspective if you'd never had kids...different friends, different interests.

Hang in there...he'll be home soon.

9:11 AM, August 10, 2006 

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